Bugzilla@Mozdev – Bug 26536
Support using SmartTemplate4 variables in Thunderbird Templates
Last modified: 2019-07-28 06:43:43
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SmartTemplate4 should support replacing %variable% when creating a new email from a Template (Thunderbird Templates folder). At the moment it is completely bypassed in this case.
Created an attachment (id=8462) [details] 1.5.2 prerelease 53 This version allows using %variables% such as %datelocal% within a Thunderbird template. It is important that the attribute smarttemplateinserted="true" has to be removed from the <body> element before saving the template otherwise the variable replacements won't work as expected. Also, still to do: when _editing_ the template (with the new "Edit Template..." command we currently experience multiple nested <div id="smartTemplate4-template"> Elements, which is obviously not desired. And also, the problem of the editor resolving the %variables% which makes Thunderbird Composer less than ideal for editing HTML that contains ST4 %variables%. I usually use an external editor like notepad++ when editing Stationery (HTML) templates, and a web browser for previewing. Maybe I can find a workaround and stop ST4 from processing if "template editing" is actually executed.
Created an attachment (id=8576) [details] 2.1 pre 17 This version addresses the following issues - variables are cleaned up automatically when the Email is sent - variables are not replace when creating an email from a template - signature is appended as eexpected - the %sig% variable can be used within a Thunderbird template
Complete: Release 2.1 - 28/07/2019